50 years of loyalty
Apr 2, 2024, 5:09:15 PM
BNP Paribas and tennis: a story made to last.
The story of BNP and our favourite sport began in 1973. In half a century, it has extended beyond the Porte d’Auteuil stadium to encompass all areas of the sport, from professionals to amateurs and including fans, young hopefuls, and solidarity projects.
In 2023, we are celebrating our 50 years of commitment and loyalty to tennis. This anniversary is an opportunity for us to reaffirm our loyalty and strengthen our commitment to the younger generation.
50 years of change
The support provided by BNP and then BNP Paribas has never stopped evolving. More than just a financial sponsor, BNP Paribas has for 50 years been a passionate and committed player involved in all aspects of tennis (amateur, professional, fans, young hopefuls, and solidarity projects).