In tribute to all those players who managed to come out free from the clutches of the first week of Roland Garros. Between heat wave, bag of crisps and blisters on every toes.
... On your journey, you've played against an Australian, a South African and a Korean. Bred by Bollettieri.
... Your sponsor offers you more outfits that you can wear. It’s the first time that it's him that calls you.
... You went to see where the main courts were. So far, you only knew the 15 and the 17.
... You discover that the real test is the interview with Nelson Monfort.
... Mouratoglou analyses your game on Eurosport. The day after Djokovic's. You feel cooler than ever.
... You briefed your parents in case journalists would come around: "Please don't tell them that when I was a kid, I used to eat my bogies, huh."
... Radek Stepanek stopped to make you laugh. Yes, you are a woman. And he definitely wants you.
... For you, tennis falls into two categories: those who have a big top spin and those who dig.
... You are kind of both, you dig and you file like a beast.
... You are Argentine. Or more generally South American.
... Someone asked Djokovic about you. And he knows who you are. All right, you can die in peace.
... You haven’t played against Rafael Nadal.
... Roger Federer said hello to you in the players' lounge.
... You cancelled your participation in the Vicenza Challenger next week.
... You’re on the cover of L’Equipe Magazine with Yannick Noah. Oh yes, you're French.
... You’re no longer giving your press conferences in Room 4, which is barely larger than your shoe closet.
... Nobody congratulates you. Oh yes, you're Spanish. You just did the job.
... You remember that Martin Verkerk made it to the final. So why not you?
... You have so many blisters that you could wrap all of Paris.
... You slide all over your hotel room, some reflex thing. No luck, it doesn't work as well on the carpet.
... You have the tan line of your t-shirt and socks.
... You see more and more people who don’t know tennis in the stands. Yes, those who were also at the Cannes Film Festival but who know nothing about cinema.
... You’re no longer on Eurosport.
... You’re French and you feel like a tricolour cyclist the 14th of July in the Tour de France: you need to do something, even if you have to explode in flight.
...You saw Nadal and you said "Hey Rafa" with a knowing wink. Confidence, yeah.
... Now people have to deal with your agent to get an interview.
... You no longer play on the outside courts.
... You don't ask your driver to pass in front of the Eiffel Tower on the way to your hotel anymore.
... You speak affectionately to the guy who checks the accreditation at the entrance of the players' lounge.
... Blisters started to appear all over your body.
... You won 3 games.