Data Protection Notice

Last update : 05/04/2023


We take the protection of your personal data very seriously; accordingly, the BNP Paribas Group has adopted strong principles in its Personal Data Protection Charter available at

« We Are Tennis », BNP Paribas SA, whose headquarters are located 16 boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris, ("We"), are responsible, as a controller, for collecting and processing your personal data, in relation to our activities. The purpose of this Data Protection Notice is to let you know which personal data we collect about you, the reasons why we use and share such data, how long we keep it, what your rights are and how you can exercise them.

Further information may be provided where necessary when you apply for a specific product or service.



This Privacy Notice applies to you if you are ("You"):

  • A person interested in our products, services or contents (newsletters…) , when you subscribe by providing us your personal data, on our websites and applications and/or during events or sponsorship operations, 

When you provide us with personal data related to other people, please make sure that you inform them about the disclosure of their personal data and invite them to read this Privacy Notice. We will ensure that we will do the same whenever possible (e.g., when we have the person's contact details).



You have rights which allow you to exercise real control over your personal data and how we process them. 

  • To exercise these rights you can contact if applicable, our data protection officer or the department responsible for exercising these rights

By sending us your request by email to the following address: Data Subject Rights

  • If you have any questions relating to the use of your personal data under this Data Protection Notice, you can contact if applicable, our data protection officer or the department responsible for exercising these rights

By sending us your request by email to the following address: Information Request 


2.1.    You can request access to your personal data
You can directly access some of your personal data though your account on our website “We Are Tennis”
If you wish to have access to your personal data, we will provide you with a copy of the personal data you requested as well as information relating to their processing.
Your right of access may be limited in the cases foreseen by laws and regulations. This is the case with the regulation relating to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, which prohibits us from giving you direct access to your personal data processed for this purpose. In this case, you must exercise your right of access with CNIL, which will request the data from us.

2.2.    You can ask for the correction of your personal data
Where you consider that your personal data are inaccurate or incomplete, you can request that such personal data be modified or completed accordingly. In some cases, supporting documentation may be required.
2.3.    You can request the deletion of your personal data
If you wish, you may request the deletion of your personal data, to the extent permitted by law.
2.4.    You can object to the processing of your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes
You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes, including profiling, insofar as it is linked to such prospecting.
2.5.    You can suspend the use of your personal data 
If you question the accuracy of the personal data we use or object to the processing of your personal data, we will verify or review your request. You may request that we suspend the use of your personal data while we review your request.
2.6.    You have rights against an automated decision
As a matter of principle, you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing based on profiling or otherwise that has a legal effect or significantly affects you. However, we may automate such a decision if it is necessary for the entering into or performance of a contract with us, authorised by regulation or if you have given your consent.
In any event, you have the right to challenge the decision, express your views and request the intervention of a competent person to review the decision.
2.7.    You can withdraw your consent
If you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time.

2.8.    You can request the portability of part of your personal data
You may request a copy of the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Where technically feasible, you may request that we transmit this copy to a third party.
2.9.     How to file a complaint with the CNIL
In addition to the rights mentioned above, you may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which is usually the one in your place of residence as the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et de Libertés) in France.


In this section we describe how and why we use your personal data and draw your attention to some data processing we consider could be more impactful for you and, in some cases, may require your consent. 

3.1Your personal data are processed to execute a contract to which you are a party or pre-contractual action taken at your request

Your personal data are processed when it is necessary to conclude or execute a contract for:

  • Provide services and products subscribed to on the Site (e.g. allow the Registered User to join an Advantage Programme or participate in a Wishlist)
  • Make use of the Privileges granted under the Advantages Programme;
  • Assist and inform the Registered User about tennis news, newsletters and benefits.

3.2 Your personal data are processed if you have consented to it

For some personal data processing, we will give you specific information and ask for your consent.
We remind you that you may withdraw your consent at any time.
In particular, we ask for your consent to:

  • Send e-mail alerts and newsletters when you subscribe to these mailings (e.g. cinema news and current privileges);
  • For the administration of Privileges granted under the Privileges
  • To register or reset your password



We collect and use your personal data, meaning any information that identifies or allows to identify you, to the extent necessary in the framework of our activities. We collect various types of personal data about you, including:

  • Identification information (e.g. name, licence number FFT de);
  • Contact details (e-mail address, postal address, telephone number);
  • BNPP Employee Status
  • Customer or prospect status
  • Information related to your digital activities (e.g. IP address, navigation activity)
  • Data on your habits and preferences: data on your leisure activities and interests

We never ask for any other sensitive personal data such as data related to your racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation, unless it is required through a legal obligation.



a.    Sharing of information
The data collected may be communicated only to the following recipients:

  • BNP Paribas Group entities
  • The service providers who perform on behalf of BNP Paribas certain material and technical tasks necessary to implement the treatments described here;
  • Judicial or financial authorities, state agencies or public bodies, at their request and within the limits of what is authorised by the regulations;
  • Regulated professions such as lawyers, notaries or auditors.

b.    Sharing aggregated or anonymized information
We share aggregated or anonymised information within and outside the BNP Paribas Group with partners such as research groups, universities or advertisers. You won’t be able to be identified from this information.

Your data may be aggregated into anonymised statistics that may be offered to professional clients to assist them in developing their business. In this case your personal data will never be disclosed and those receiving these anonymised statistics will be unable to identify you. 



In case of international transfers originating from the European Economic Area (EEA) to a non-EEA country, the transfer of your personal data may take place. Where the European Commission has recognised a non-EEA country as providing an adequate level of data protection, your personal data may be transferred on this basis.

For transfers to non-EEA countries where the level of protection has not been recognised as adequate by the European Commission, we will either rely on a derogation applicable to the specific situation (e.g. if the transfer is necessary to perform our contract with you such as when making an international payment) or implement one of the following safeguards to ensure the protection of your personal data:

  • Standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.
  • Binding corporate rules. 

To obtain a copy of these safeguards or details on where they are available, you can send a written request as set out in Section 2.



We will retain your personal data over the period required to comply with applicable laws and regulations or another period with regard to our operational requirements, such as proper account maintenance, facilitating client relationship management, and responding to legal claims or regulatory requests. 

In all cases, your personal data shall be kept for the period necessary for the purposes of processing


In a world where technologies are constantly evolving, we regularly review this Privacy Notice and update it as required.

We invite you to review the latest version of this document online, and we will inform you of any significant amendments through our website or through our standard communication channels.