Mar 10, 2014, 7:14:39 PM

Every so often a tennis player will get involved in politics but unlike people in the entertainment industry who feel everyone wants to know and needs to know their opinions, tennis players tend to be a bit more conservative. 

Just because someone is high profile does not mean they have all the facts and yet they try to influence the opinions of others by putting their name to causes and the like.

In the United Kingdom one of the hot issues at the moment is the vote for Scottish Independence to be held in September of this year. 

Due to his notoriety Andy Murray has been asked about his thoughts on the matter and most recently it was at this week’s BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells. Surprisingly though other prominent Scots like David Moyes the Manchester United Manager or Sir Chris Hoy the cyclist or any of the Scottish rugby internationals are not asked about this topic ad nauseam, as Murray is.

“I will take a position, but, you know, I'm not really one   I can't vote,” he said. “I'm not allowed to vote, so my thoughts on it aren't that relevant, because, you know, I can't vote myself.

“And, yeah, I wouldn't personally choose to make my feelings on something like that public either because not a whole lot of good comes from it.  

“I don't know a whole lot about politics, and I have made that mistake in the past and it's caused me a headache for like seven or eight years of my life and a lot of abuse.

“So I wouldn't consider getting involved in something like that ever again.”

It is understood the reason Murray can’t vote is because he is no longer a resident of Scotland. He has residences in London and Miami.

The last time he made comments about Scotland v England was leading into the 2006 World Cup. While on a TV interview show with Tim Henman, Murray was asked about England and Scotland chances. Henman was jokingly teasing him to make a comment. Murray eventually said anyone but England and it resulted in extensive negativity and even abuse in the streets. Murray learnt his lesson.

Sir Sean Connery, best known as the original James Bond, has said that he would vote for Scottish independence. Does that mean he would hand his knighthood back if the independence vote won? Maybe he should in any case.