Jun 7, 2012, 10:20:34 PM

At the height of her playing days American Lindsay Davenport was ranked No.1 in the world and she was a winner of Grand Slam titles. Nowadays Lindsay is playing a different game, probably her most important one, and...
At the height of her playing days American Lindsay Davenport was ranked No.1 in the world and she was a winner of Grand Slam titles. Nowadays Lindsay is playing a different game, probably her most important one, and that is being a mother to three children.   Certainly she still keeps a hand in with her tennis via TV commentary and has fun playing the past champions ladies doubles at some of the Grand Slams but being a mum is what it’s all about.   We Are Tennis caught up with Lindsay in a corner of the players’ lounge at Roland Garros and asked about her new “career”.